About DeathbyTypography

Me via September 2023

I’m Nickey. I’m a super-mediocre-wanna-be jack of all trades. I’m a walking contradiction and I don’t do life-changing or motivational and I rarely if ever do positive. I struggle with mental and physical health issues, and I suffer from a disease called “life sucks”…

My blog is simply a journal that happens to be open to the public. These are usually just my thoughts, out there in the open when, and if, I feel like posting.

Many topics of interest (to me, probably not to you) here, be they taboo or not. And, honestly, my blog is like personal space, so I feel comfortable sharing anything here, as should you. Short stories, creative writing, poetry, ranting, school work, journal entries. A little bit of everything for everyone to enjoy.

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope to come back and write soon.

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