Seeking Normalcy

Mercy     For a very long time, I had resigned to the fact that by the time I turned 21 I was going to be dead. It's almost as if I had made some unconscious promise to myself that I wasn't allowed to go any further than 21 years as a miserable human being..... Continue Reading →

Daily Life Struggles

Hey everyone, it's been a while.... I've had a lot of personal issues going on the last week or more (I can't remember when exactly my last post was put up), I'm going to refer to my last post real quick and come back to add. Sorry, got a bit distracted with the PS4 and... Continue Reading →


So, I guess we're going to have to talk about how absolutely shitty yesterday had been. As expected I had the migraine of a life time. Lasted for nearly 6 hours with nausea and all the pain and sensitivity associated. Work was difficult for the first 2 hours, but it seemed to subside as the... Continue Reading →


The nights I hate the most are the ones where my heart is racing so fast it seems almost as if it could burst right through my chest at any moment. And, seemingly, for no reason at all. Tonight, I think it was brought on simply by the prospect of waking up in the morning... Continue Reading →

Here little piggy

Today... *sigh*... I thought I was doing so good... I wasn't even hungry... But, we stopped at country fair and I walked past the chips and couldn't help myself... I bought a bag of plain ruffles and a container of jalepeño chedder dip and two 28oz gatoraids. This is not to mention the serving of... Continue Reading →


I hate looking in this mirror... But, I can't help but to look in it either. That's the problem, isn't it. I strive so much to see change that I spend so much time in front of the thing I fear the most... Bet you couldnt guess I'm 6'0. It'd probably be a little more... Continue Reading →


It's uncommon for me to share so much in one day. But, I've had a lot of time to think. Seems the more I lay around, the more my brain nitpicks. And what good is bed time for other than to tear apart ones day and pin point every mistake.... I was actually really tired... Continue Reading →

Faking the flu

Today is the first time in a while I've faked being sick to get out of work. I like this job I'm at, but lately I've just been struggling with a lot. I haven't been keeping up with either blog, in fact the post today took me 3 or so dats to write out, and... Continue Reading →

Easily Frustrated

I have to admit. I'm usually a pretty level headed person. But, some things just really get to me. Being told I have an attitude when I feel like I definitely don't, being talked over, pestering questions that I don't feel like you need to know... I'm sure everyone's like this sometimes, but my brain... Continue Reading →

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