Seeking Normalcy

Mercy     For a very long time, I had resigned to the fact that by the time I turned 21 I was going to be dead. It's almost as if I had made some unconscious promise to myself that I wasn't allowed to go any further than 21 years as a miserable human being..... Continue Reading →

My Take on B.D.D and being the D.U.F.F

B Body Dysmorphic Disorder a mental disorder characterized by distorted body image and obsessions about perceived physical shortcomings.Abbreviation: BDD.  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let me start this blog off with saying, sorry that it's very long... Also, know that there are days I can feel very empowered and beautiful, and within a second I can go straight to berating myself and feel worthless, useless and disgusting...  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  I am fat. No... Continue Reading →

Daily Life Struggles

Hey everyone, it's been a while.... I've had a lot of personal issues going on the last week or more (I can't remember when exactly my last post was put up), I'm going to refer to my last post real quick and come back to add. Sorry, got a bit distracted with the PS4 and... Continue Reading →


So, I guess we're going to have to talk about how absolutely shitty yesterday had been. As expected I had the migraine of a life time. Lasted for nearly 6 hours with nausea and all the pain and sensitivity associated. Work was difficult for the first 2 hours, but it seemed to subside as the... Continue Reading →

Fall 2017

Can we talk about how this fall has been a lie?  We all know fall is supposed to be hoodies, dying trees, cold, rainy weather and basic white bitches wearing nothing but leggings and ugg boots... But this year, it's been insufferable heat, booty shorts and confusion for my immune system.  There have been days... Continue Reading →


The nights I hate the most are the ones where my heart is racing so fast it seems almost as if it could burst right through my chest at any moment. And, seemingly, for no reason at all. Tonight, I think it was brought on simply by the prospect of waking up in the morning... Continue Reading →

Fork in the Road

Irrelevant On this past Friday I had an argument that often happens in my marriage. It's not always about the same thing, but it always ends the same way. And, although it doesn't happen as frequently as it used to, nor end physically like it did in the beginning... This time it had gotten to... Continue Reading →

Dear Gideon:

I find myself overwhelmed lately. I started this to help me and introduce you, and it seems I am not keeping up with my end of the bargain. I find images of you more bearable now. This picture was taken not long after we moved in with my parents in 2012. We had gone to... Continue Reading →

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